ALL ACCESS at Cowboy Stadium: FC Barcelona vs. Club America

Go behind the scenes and follow the players from the locker room to the field. Watch player interviews, and enjoy the game from the sideline.

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28 opiniones en “ALL ACCESS at Cowboy Stadium: FC Barcelona vs. Club America”

  1. @SamSouied12

    true but i guess we all have off days, but there was a few first team like pique and villa and iniesta or xavi from what i heard or saw but still you got to give chivas props for even beating barcelona's rookies

  2. Barcelona is the best team… but right now its not ready to face Real Madrid, it's a shame but most likely they'll lose the first clasico, they waited to long to start practicing and there are still many of its main players that have yet to play with the team (messi, alves, puyol…)… any way Visca Barza!!!!

  3. I was at the match! 🙂 It was incredible seeing my idols on the pitch, club america is rubbish, and everyone knows it. Barcelona was playing like a practice match, and they still dominated. Visca Barcelona!

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