29 opiniones en “HIGHLIGHTS: Orlando City SC vs. Charlotte FC | April 30, 2022”

  1. I still don’t see a PK. I cannot believe the ref upheld the call even after going to VAR. The striker runs into the back of the defender, should never be a foul

  2. Ref was a disaster. One of the players came over to us at half time screaming cussing when everyone else went to the locker rooms and they did absolutely nothing about it. There were obviously hand calls, put hands on the ref, and it just kept getting worse. Charlotte is now a rival.

  3. 3:25 Jesus christ please somebody teach Charlotte fc defenders basic positioning. Like the most basic that you normally learn when youre about 7…I don't know if I have ever seen a whole team standing so deep ever, like not even in the last 2 minutes of a knockout game. And Charlotte did it in the 45th minute.. This is beyond amateur level.. Also number 10 should feel ashamed of himself, he blatantly refused to defend in the situation which made the last pass possible

  4. when are we going to to GET SOME" DESIGNATED ELECTRIC.signage on the field / pitch ?? even lesser league looks BETTER ON TV……….place the boards all the way across and behind the GOAL ….that little piece of signage LOOKS TACKY" CHEAP………..ITS 2022 NOT 2002

  5. As a Uruguayan, I only watched the game for Facu Torres and few other players on the Orlando team but was very pleasantly entertained by this game. I was laughing my as off at the ref who looked like he just devoured a cow and could barely run up and down the field. Very funny and the game was well fought by both sides, good job MLS👍🏻

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