43 opiniones en “HIGHLIGHTS: Minnesota United FC vs. San Jose Earthquakes | July 03, 2021”

  1. Un equipo se crea de atrás para delante. Minessota debe ir a buscar un buen arquero de renombre y un defensor que le acomode la saga central. Espero que mañana Bebelo Reynoso pueda brillar contra los Sounders. Que dios lo bendiga y le de toda la bendición que se merece, por el bien de minessota.

  2. Wow wonderful ? Football is really growing very fast in America ?? nowadays !!! Im very much excited about it!!! Im in Saint Paul and will definitely go to Allianz Field next time!!! Im a Manchester United and Minnesota United fan!!!

  3. Adrian Heath is an idiot and needs to go. When the momentum was Minnesota's he took out Hunou and put in Alonso, another DM when there was already Will Trapp, who didnt do anything. Heath alone lost the 2 points.

  4. this is going to become the best league in the world over the next decade. I love watching mls , I am afraid that europe is going to be deserted from all its talents. The only real competitor is china but i don't know much about the league there. Europe is going to end up like latin america in terms of competitive teams. Perhaps this is a silly comment from a european fan of barcelona and liverpool

  5. Marcinkowski shows great skill, which is then followed by disappointing error. Nathan shows how slow the Swiss league is, but despite those error shows decent ability. And Kinkanovic finally shows something and becomes the sole forward to actually do anything. I'm at least glad they didn't get blown out 5-0 like against Orlando.

  6. For context, there was a foul right before the one that was a penalty.

    But mls is trying to edit that part out, defend their dog ? refs

  7. I so wanted to see Fragapane handed his hat after his treatment of Chara here the other night, but San Jose was not up to the task. A draw is a draw though.

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