31 opiniones en “HIGHLIGHTS: Seattle Sounders FC vs. Colorado Rapids | October 03, 2021”

  1. I liked the game, I live in Brazil, I hope football will grow more and become very popular there in the US, and that MLS will become one of the best leagues in the world sport.

  2. That was a great call I was walking at yesterday but to wash in it again I can see all the sounders players still standing not even running with him ?‍♂️ not good enough sorry Seattle my city my team 2nd half the other team was better with 10 men

  3. Coming from a rapids fan Irwin was a big disappointment this is a prime reason of why Yarborough starts gk! that red card shouldn’t have been a card at all in my opinion he got all ball and took control, pathetic ref. gg to Sounders just know we are coming for you oct 20th?

  4. I don't care what the Sounders home town announcing team says, that second Medranda goal was called back for good cause. Montero hacked a center half as a cross was coming across the six yard box. Love your team, guys, but the wilful homerism induced blindness is, frankly, embarrassing.

  5. Two of the three goals should have been saved by Irwin. I don't know if he's been sitting on the bench too long or what, but you have to be able to deflect or catch shots that go directly into your hands. Complete breakdown on the defensive too, so he wasn't receiving much help.

  6. How was the 4th goal called back. The ref was right there and didn’t see anything. That wasn’t a clear and obvious error. He got in front of the player and shielded the ball

  7. I'm Brazilian and I've been supporting Sounders since 2016.
    Currently I feel very happy for the team's spectacular moment and for having a Brazilian player as a highlight.
    Congratulations João Paulo for representing Brazil in the biggest club in the USA!

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