Newcastle are simply EXHAUSTED! – Shaka reacts to United's 3-1 loss to Nottingham Forest | ESPN FC

The ESPN FC panel of Craig Burley, Shaka Hislop, Julien Laurens and Frank Leboeuf react to Newcastle United’s 3-1 loss to Nottingham Forest in their Premier League matchup.

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39 opiniones en “Newcastle are simply EXHAUSTED! – Shaka reacts to United's 3-1 loss to Nottingham Forest | ESPN FC”

  1. Newcastle had nothing against the better teams in their CL group giving them advantage save for physicality and high press until they had the energy. Not holding this against them mind you, it was a good gamble and it almost worked but there was a price to be paid and thats what we are seeing now. On a lesser scale something similar happened to Burnley when they earned European competitions spot with 7th place finish and barely escaped relegation the year after that .

  2. According to Stevie Nicol he fully expects Newcastle to finish above Spurs and in the top 4, I said Newcastle wouldn’t cope with Champions League football as well as the premier league, to be fair the champions league group Newcastle got handed was bad luck, but it happens if your not in the champions league on regular basis, let’s see what’s happens Stevie Nicol bias predictions.

  3. Newcastle don't have the strength & depth of squad they very much over achieved last season
    Players are starting to come back from injuries so no excuses but I have not made excuses think but this could also be players feeling sorry for themselves after losing out on Europe
    This is where they should have been last season just teams have learnt how to play against them unlike last season

  4. Their high energy tempo / rock n roll style like Pool requires a fit and strong squad to be sustained.. issue is that they have not developed game mgmt to occasionally hold on to a 1-0 win – hence why they’ve crashed badly despite being a goal up recently..

  5. Listen to Frank 'expertly' ruling out the winter WC for causing unprecedented injuires to players!
    Saying it can't be the WC as that was a year ago, exhausted players wouldn't have felt it right after the WC, it would take time for injuries to manefest itself further down stream, just like we're seeing now.
    When investigating something the first things you consider are 'Qui Bono', who benefitted, then what circumstances had changed to the previous pattern, and who had the means, the motive and opportunity to carry it out.
    We all know the WC benefitted (F everyone else) and the change in previous circumstances was the winter WC, so that's the guy you pin on the board as the No1 Suspect.
    So what has changed for this season that wasn't applicable for the previous 10-20 seasons?
    Well one undeniable thing, the winter WC.
    Funny how mainstream football media, refrain from criticising FIFA, UEFA & VAR.

  6. When it is Newcastle "they are exhausted", when its Liverpool "too many injuries", when its Chelsea "Pochettino is putting together a squad" but when its United, neither playing most games in Europe last season or injuries matter instead they start counting transfer fees and say ETH has done a bad job

  7. Newcastle United are in poor form. Simple as that. Fatigued or not, they have enough quality to beat Luton and Nottingham but they lost to both of them. Half of the squad are championship standard and don't have the minerals to play elite level football on a consistent basis.

  8. No no no Shaka sorry. I am a Toon fan and this is not just the only reason. Yes, of course it is a factor including a depleted squad from injuries, but, it is Eddie's tactical ineptness that is costing us the most. He consistently picks a wrong starting 11, makes incorrect subs at incorrect times in the game.

  9. Newcastle are an embarrassment to football. I'm happy to see them struggling. They are Kong Fu fighters not football players. That Bruno guy got away with 3 red cards this season. Just recently he ntentionally kicked a player vs Tottenham and he did it again against Chelsea. Start of the season he threw a forehand at an Arsenal player. It goes to VAR, and to everyone's shock he gets away with it despite it being blatant malice and dirty play. Wilson and Joelinton aren't any better.

  10. Shaka is a fraud of a pundit! He is ready to make excuses for his "beloved" Newcastle United, but when it comes to other clubs especially Arsenal and Man United; he is the first one to open his big mouth and criticize teams above his Newcastle United. Instead of crediting Nottingham Forest for outclassing Newcastle United (who were at home btw); he is here saying they were tired.

    Get in the bin, Shaka!

  11. I'm actually surprised that these guys started talking about Howe's job security and his lack of tactical flexibility given the players' current state. After any and every loss, they go after ETH and always ask the question of if he should be sacked, say he's clueless, lost, etc., but they've never brought up Howe and rarely ever bring up Poch whenever they lose or have a string of losses. Good on them for finally bringing that up. Still, though, they always manage to mention the injury crisis at Newcastle but when they talk about United, they never mention the injury crisis that is on-going and has been a thing since the season started. lmao

  12. Haha. Shaka is eating his own words. U diss Arteta , Pochettino, anyhow, now you are using tiredness as an excuse for Newcastle. Arteta lost the title last season, and complaining of fatigue at the end of the year was never heard of.

  13. Lol…suddenly when your teams start to play badly (Liverpool last year, Newcastle now) there are perfectly valid reasons. Lol
    I swear if it wasn't for Gab and Jules show I would have unsubscribed and turned off these dumb notifications

  14. There has been a newcastle fan on here called gary who has been arguing with me all year saying Newcastle are better than Liverpool and for 2 seasons now he has said eddie howe has done a better job than klopp……

    Lets all take some time to think about gary

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