20 opiniones en “HIGHLIGHTS: Nashville SC vs. Atlanta United FC | July 8, 2021”

  1. I feel sorry for the sent-off player. That wasn't even a foul, let alone red card lol. Referees have gone mental in today's football, I swear to god. They couldn't referee properly if their life depended on it 🙁

  2. Again @MLS, fix your whistle men. NOT A DIRECT CHANCE, TOUCHES THE BALL. I don't even see a foul. And where was VAR on this?? Man, please start respecting the level of the players. Your referees are way behind the talent on the pitch.

  3. GG Atlanta fans. You guys shouldn't have gotten a red for that challenge, but you weren't gonna be given the benefit of the doubt after tackling from behind and diving all night

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