34 opiniones en “HIGHLIGHTS: Austin FC vs. LA Galaxy | September 26, 2021”

  1. I trust Greg. I just want to believe he's gonna create in Galaxy what he did in Toronto but my patience is about dead… That was the game that we have to win. That was the game that we have to end the streak. That was the game that we can start to believe again but same sh*t over and over again. I hoping Greg and staff finds solution…

  2. I have been watching a lot of MLS games over the last months and again, as mentioned in some comments before these teams have potential. Mainly in the technical development. Still, in terms of tactical organization and understanding the principles of the game, when attacking and defending it's completely on the down side.
    A good example of what I am mentioning above is the fact that in 90% of the games the Team that starts the game, in the 1st or 2nd half, always do long shot. Literally, delivering automatically the ball to their opponent, or in the eventuality that getting the ball it stays in a disadvantage in terms of numbers of players.

    Another visible example are the 1st and 2nd goal from Austin. LA Galaxy Team has 0 support from the midfielders. Literally 0. No one comes and helps the defence creating something called "Balance" or "Concentration".

    The tactical behavior and presence from these Teams needs to be improved. Exploring lines and make the Midfielders understand that they are a vital part of the collective game and without them is just individuals running with the ball.

  3. Надо же как деградируют в МЛС некогда грозные нападающие.Не хотите не играйте но зачем выходить на поле что бы с метра еле до кипера мяч допнуть…..

  4. “He’s gonna be big. He’s gonna be physical… and like most MLS players he’s either gonna completely miss the goal or limp-shoot it straight at the goalie.”

  5. Galaxy need to learn a different style of play, start breaking down the opponent differently, they also need to learn the movement and key attributes of their attackers and goal scorers, you can’t hopefully be excepting chicharito to win headers most of the time against 6 foot plus Cb’s

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