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  1. L'unico toro degno di rispetto massimo è quello di superga,gli ultras del toro hanno smesso di evolversi dall'86,ora siete poco altro che merda,Il granata il vero saggio ogni partita un gemellaggio.

  2. @marozzicla .. i will ask u this question, answer honestly.

    if the juve curva had been sectioned and LFC fans were next to the ultras (90% of the LFC fans were civilians), can u say that the ultras would not have attacked this section? if u say no, then u are a liar.

    it is tragic that juve fans died in section Z…a terrible accident.

    but the juve ultras called us "red animals"…porché? juve and LFC had problems before? NO! therefore u are equally responsible for the aggression.

    RIP the 39

  3. @marozzicla ..si, everybody knows this.

    however, section Z was meant for "neutral supporters", not juve fans. the fault lies with authorities:

    1. for holding the final in a terrible shit-hole of a stadium.
    2. for the inadequate ticket security that allowed juve fans to buy tickets to section Z.
    3. for sectioning the liverpool curva. how stupid was that?
    4. for inadequate police and security, even before the match.

    its true the liverpool fans should never charged towards section Z..

  4. @marozzicla …u are the worst sort of hypocrite.

    nobody wanted those juve fans to die, even if they should not have been in section Z. …and every Liverpool fan regrets that the 39 died.

    however, juve fans are just as responsible for the 39 deaths, which is why u are still squawking with guilt. juve ultras were looking for trouble…why else would have written a banner saying "REDS ANIMALS" at heysel before the match even started?

    for this reason i despise your hypocrisy.

    RIP the 39.

  5. @biciobiciobicio …and you are…?I like Italian calcio but please do not take me for a fool.

    "selecting favourable referees".."bribing referees"…it's the same thing = corruption.

    and who knows wot else happens in italian football…apart from the violence of course.

  6. Gabriele Marcotti, the Times, May 31, 2010

    "By this stage, one would hope, we would all know why those 39 people died. It was a combination of bad policing, bad infrastructure, bad organisation, alcohol, lingering ill will over events in Rome a year earlier and hooliganism from both sets of supporters."

    RIP the 39
    i memoria e amicizia

  7. "Ultras Juventus – odiati e fieri".. ma chiedetevi PERCHE' siete odiati! Vi credete Ultras e vi atteggiate (a volte) da Ultras, quando non lo siete.. ecco il motivo, semplicissimo!

  8. è il viola il colore che odioooooo…
    è il colore che odio di +……
    gli sterilizziamo le donne….
    così non ne nascono +….
    Firenze è una patria d'infami….
    la odio da sempre perchè….
    i viola non sono italiani…
    Ma sono una massa di E***I!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Ma sei fuori!Siete arrivati a partita iniziata,ed eravamo già tutti dentro!A fine partita vi hanno fatto uscire alle 2 del mattino dallo stadio perchè eravamo fuori ad aspettarvi!Poi cosa mi rappresenta l'idrante per bagnare pivelli e nonni coi nipotini!Ricordati monza che avete caricato con l'aiuto delle divise blu dopo che vi abbiamo fatto retrocedere di 200 metri!

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