The Most Popular Ultimate Frisbee Terminology and Slang

If you have ever attended an Ultimate Frisbee game, you will have noticed plenty of words and phrases being shouted out on the fields. Here is a list of the most commonly used terms to help you better understand what is being said.

Backhand- the throw that is most commonly known and everyone knows how to do.

Bid- when a player impressively attempts to dive for a catch, but fails to make the catch.

Blade- when the disc is thrown vertically rather than horizontally. these throws are very difficult to catch.

Callahan- to catch the disc in the opponents end-zone while on defense, resulting in a score for your team.

Chilly- «be patient.» the term is used to remind the thrower that they have 10 complete seconds to wait for a good pass.

Cutter- a position on the team. players who make ‘cuts’ to get open for the disc. opposite of the handler position.

D- defense or knocking the disc to the ground and preventing your opponent from catching the disc.

Disk In- phrase used to notify the players that the game is in play. a way to start the game again.

Footblock- when the defender on the thrower is able to deflect the pass with their foot.

Forehand/Flick- the opposite throw of a backhand. thrown on the right side of the body (for right-handed players).

Hammer- an overhead throw where the disc rotates in the upside down position.

Handblock- when the defender on the thrower is able to knock the disc to the ground.

Handler- a position normally played by the stronger throwers on the team. (similar to the point guard position in basketball).

Huck- a long throw. each game starts off with a huck.

Layout- an impressive dive to catch a disc.

Layout D- an impressive dive to block the disc from the opponent.

O- offense.

Pick- when a player gets in-between a defender and the person they are defending (unlike basketball, picks are illegal in ultimate).

Pull- the long throw that begins each game/point. similar to a kickoff in football.

Sky- jumping higher than the people around you to catch a disc.

Stall Count- the 10 seconds you have to get a pass off.

Turn- when the disc drops to the ground or any other change of possession.

Up- an alert that the disc has been thrown in the air. a call usually directed towards the defense to look up to get the ‘D’.

HIGHLIGHTS: LA Galaxy vs. Minnesota United FC | November 07, 2021

HIGHLIGHTS: LA Galaxy 3-3 Minnesota United FC, 11/07/2021

Let’s Understand Your Soccer Shoes

Whoever loves to play Soccer or Rugby needs a pair of shoes which not only protect the feet but enhances one’s performance also.

Common features of soccer shoes

Soccer shoes have come very far from its earliest design. Nowadays it resembles more of a sneaker which does not cover your ankle.

Soccer shoes contain studs below the soles to enhance the grip of feet on the ground. A plastic studded shoe is appropriate for solid surface, whereas a rubber or screw studded shoes are good for grass fields.

Customized soccer shoes

These days’ players are wearing and buying shoes of their own choice and according to their specific needs. For this, they are making special demands from the seller. For example, if one wants to improve grip on their non-dominant feet, then they can wear screwed-in studded shoes which improve grip on the surface. Players who want to improve the performance of their active leg (right or left leg) can buy rubber, plastic studded shoes.

No matter what you buy, you should definitely take note of these things before buying your shoes.

  1. Select good brands – If you want to invest in good shoes, then why not choose a trusted and good brand on the soccer field. A good brand manufacture shoes by considering all important things which are necessary for players and their performance. Therefore, in order to save some money, do not buy any substandard soccer shoes.
  2. Decide your budget – When you go to the store or scroll down some online page for buying soccer shoes, always plan beforehand how much you are going to spend on your shoes. Suppose if you are a beginner then there is no need at all to buy expensive and high-end professional shoes. Go for simple yet comfortable shoes.
  3. Know your feet size- a perfect fit is all you need for a good soccer game performance. Whenever you go for buying new shoes, always give importance to your feet comfort. Try two, three different brands as everyone has different feet shape and every company/brand cannot give you your style or perfect size. Therefore, you need to look for your own preferences and priorities before buying any shoes. Your feet should easily accommodate in shoes and your fingers should not touch the end of the shoe. The gap of ½ or ¼ inches would do the work.

What you can do break in your new soccer shoes

  • Put on your shoes and keep it wearing at your home while completing your general routine. Do it every day at your home. Within 3-4 days you will be comfortable in your new shoes.
  • Wear your socks and shoes and then soak your feet in lukewarm water for 15 minutes. Your feet and shoe would align with each other comfortably. Tie your lace and then you can play your game without drying your shoes. Automatically it would get dried up and when you will put off your shoes, you’ll find it has aligned itself with your feet shape and comfort.

HIGHLIGHTS: Philadelphia Union vs. New York City FC | December 05, 2021

HIGHLIGHTS: Philadelphia Union 1-2 New York City FC, 12/05/2021

Soccer Training in the Heat – 5 Tips to Prevent Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

In a hot climate, regardless if you are in this environment all year round or if it is hot in your spring and summer, you still must be able to train at a the highest intensity possible. It is for that reason you need to be aware of your soccer player’s physical health.

The most important thing is to keep your players hydrated on a consistent basis. First let us take a look at the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat exhaustion is the early stage of heat illness and is the most common form you see with soccer training. This occurs after long periods of training in a hot environment.
Heat exhaustion is an early indication that the body’s temperature regulating system is becoming overwhelmed. If not addressed immediately it may lead to heat stroke and death.

Soccer players lose fluid through sweating which decrease blood volume. Blood flows to the skin away from the vital organs like the heart, lungs and kidneys.

Signs and Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion
Normal or below body temperature
Cool moist pale skin

Heat stroke is the least common and most severe heat related illness. This occurs if you ignore the signs of heat exhaustion. Heat stroke develops when the body’s cooling mechanism cannot function due lack of treatment. Sweating stops and the body cannot cool itself and body temperature rises at a quick rate. Unfortunately if there is no treatment vital organs like the heart, kidney and brain begin to fail. If there is no medical treatment death is imminent!

Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke
High body temperature
Red hot dry skin
Progressive loss of consciousness
Rapid, weak pulse,
Rapid, shallow breathing

Here are five things you can do to prevent heat illnesses.

1) Find an area with shade either under tress or a tent. Just getting a player out of the direct heat can help them lower their body temperature.
2) Take a water break every fifteen to twenty minute from soccer training
3) Encourage pre-hydration. Make sure your players have plenty of fluid before soccer training.
4) Immediately after training make sure your soccer players have at least 250ml to 500ml of fluid. At this sports drink is good to have for electrolyte balance.
5) Players should avoid eating anything heavy before they train. The less the stomach contains the less stress on the body during training.

Keep this in mind with younger players. They do not have fully developed sweat glands. Youth Soccer players, until they reach puberty, cool down through urination. Many coaches and parents are unaware of this so keep this mind If you are working with younger soccer players.

Finally, training soccer players until exhaustion in the heat will lead to preventable injuries. Sometimes less is better than more.

Enjoy your training in the heat.

Soccer Rebounder Benefits

My cousin just loves playing soccer – but the problem was, soccer doesn’t seem to love him back. He would attend practices and would even invest extra time in the field, rain or shine, in order for him to improve in his skills. There would be instances when he would be the only boy left practicing and he would still go on and kick the soccer ball repeatedly towards the goal. On those days, he often become more tired retrieving the ball than practicing.

That was when my aunt saw an advertisement for a soccer rebounder online. She got one for my cousin so that he could continue to practice even in their backyard. The rebounder also saved him the time of retrieving the ball from the net, as the ball would bounce back to him or to the ground depending on how he chose to set up the equipment. Soccer rebounders also have a built in target that allow him to improve his accuracy.

My cousin would spend countless hours in his backyard practicing with the soccer rebounder – and sure enough, during his team’s next practice, the coach saw an improvement on how he was playing. Not only have his soccer skills improved overall, he was also able to score two goals, as he was able to direct the soccer ball perfectly to go where he wanted it to go!

The soccer rebounder was a wonderful investment on my aunt’s part. It helped my cousin improve on his game, and he eventually won an MVP award for his efforts. The award lifted his spirits and improved the way that he communicates with the rest of the kids, and as a result, he has gained a particular confidence that was not there before.

Soccer Cleats: The Science of Performance

The history of the use of soccer cleats is less than a century old. Since then, it has gone through a meticulous development process of its own. Its ergonomic design advancements with ever-changing time has made it possible for the players to achieve explosive speeds while starting and stopping and to feel the ultimate traction during the game. There are game changing factors which depend on this vital piece of science, on its design, orientation, placement, material, etc. It has allowed the players to push their limits and increase their performance beyond its threshold. Now they are being fabricated and planned for extreme performance, so let’s have a look at some recent technical innovations aimed for maximum output in the field.


The game of soccer has shifted from the heavy, thick boots which required more physicality to more of a skills and speed game. It has moved away from providing protection to the players’ foot and more concerned for the player’s ease and efficient functionality. Modern soccer cleats feature robust and light-weight materials like plastic or metals like magnesium and steel.

Excellent Traction with intelligent cleat arrangement

Primarily, the player interacts with the ground or the surface on which they execute hence the soccer cleats must offer excellent traction to the player. The better the traction, it allows for enhanced acceleration and navigational control of the ball to the player. This demand for traction arose from varying weather and ground conditions. But, how are the manufacturers achieving the required traction, which improves the agility of the player? The answer lies in the design and placement of the studs.

Traditionally, the studs incorporate a circular design which has an upper diameter (the area closer to the sole) larger than the lower diameter (area closer to the point of contact to the ground). Recently, more comprehensive stud design includes angular, teeth like studs also known as blades, which are designed for firm grip in set positions.

Studs design and positioning

Nowadays, manufacturers can also tailor a player’s cleat according to their position on the field. The professional players playing forward, midfield and defense can get their soccer cleats custom tailored rendering to their spot on the field, be it natural or artificial. Thermo-Nylon studs are stiff, but lightweight and improves the agility by allowing the sudden thrust hence used by those who play forward, while Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) offers a steady and comfy stud, hence, proving appropriate for the defender.

The importance of positioning of studs comes into play because they are supposed to carry the weight of the player and transfer the load to the ground and hence the pressure at all the points must be uniform. For this, digital analysis is used by the companies, which also helps them to expedite the design process. The recent analysis data by Finite Element Method has shown that chevron shaped studs offer optimum take off speeds and multidirectional activities over the other designs. The soccer cleats are getting smaller as research shows that smaller the surface area, the better surface penetration and rapid discharge from the surface.

What happens at a football medical? | INSIDE FC Bayern

Before players such as Philippe Coutinho, Lucas Hernandez and Ivan Perisic are signed by FC Bayern they must complete the medical. But which body parts do Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt and his team focus on? INSIDE FC Bayern gives you deep behind the scenes insights into a football medical and shows how Siemens Healthineers is helping the doctors.

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