2023 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Round of 16: Birmingham Legion vs. Charlotte FC – Highlights –

Birmingham Legion upset Charlotte FC 1-0 in the 2023 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Round of 16 in Birmingham, Alabama.

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5 opiniones en “2023 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Round of 16: Birmingham Legion vs. Charlotte FC – Highlights –”

  1. Shame they didn’t show the scenes and limbs after the final whistle. I’ve never seen such passion for Birmingham legion before in my time of following them and coming to games. Truly a momentous moment for us!

  2. B/R football really did an injustice to our noisy crowd of almost 13,000 here in Birmingham. They made us sound like just a few hundred lol. They really need better microphones.

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