47 opiniones en “Luis Suarez Makes Stephen Kelly Look SILLY | Liverpool FC | HD”

  1. playing against suarez would be such a pain in the ass, i would always have to worry about keeping my legs closed on top of all the other shit he does lol

  2. Can't believe you bin dippers still support this cunt, after the lack of respect he has showed your club over the past 2 years, you're a great club, start acting like one, and remember that no player is bigger than the club.

  3. As far as Fergie, the man's a legend, I won't say a bad word about him, and there are plenty of managers that have talked utter bullshit or been proven liars or completely incorrect more often than that man has. If you watch Internationals or Champions League games, the foreign teams have a culture of it. There have even been ex-players from I think it was Italy and Spain, saying it's okay to dive, it's just part of the culture on the continent. Think of Portugal and Italy. They dive a lot

  4. Come on man, I'm not going to trash him that way, Suarez gets enough heat without a video on Youtube of him diving. I don't post videos, I never have, but I wouldn't trash one of my favourite players that way. But if you watch him, and I do, every week, he has some minor drama that he creates for himself. Motd is the business, never miss it :). In fairness, Bale, Young and Rooney only dive when they're in the box, and that's not that often, none of them are playing as strikers. But they do dive

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